Saturday, 4 October 2014

Crafting by not a very crafty mum - thank you cards

Little E just turned one! We can't quite believe it.

Knowing we would need lots of thank you cards, I began to prepare. Again, what can you do sensibly with a 11 month old baby? It was going to have to be something finger painting related.

I'd seen lots of things were you mask out areas on a canvas, let your child loose and then reveal a design or message by removing the tape. I was pretty sure I could achieve this.

I got some advice online first. My plan was to put something on card, take a photo and then print copies on postcards via a service like Snapfish. People suggested using the best quality cardboard you could fine and the cheapest masking tape!

First stage: use you cheap masking tape to write your message.

Second stage: let your child loose with finger paints.

I was fortunate that early September was hot and beautiful, so I set things up outside. I was better prepared this time (see my blog about making a Father's Day t-shirt), but I still found the experience pretty stressful. Little E is on the move, so would play with the paint a bit and then try to crawl off. I struggled to find suitable finger paints, so we were using poster paints. Little E ate a lot and chewed the paint brushes! Trying to clear up with a clingy baby around your leg, was also difficult! I had to wait until nap time to really sort it out and frankly I needed a lie down by that point too!

However, I got some gorgeous photos at least and I was pleased with the final result.

Third stage: peel the tape away

I was very careful, but it still ripped a bit. Even cheaper masking tape next time?

Fourth stage: define the letters

As you can see, some do the letters aren't that visible, as Little E didn't manage to get that much paint in those areas. I decided to use a pen to draw round the letters. I needed to make sure it would show up when printed on a postcard.

Fifth stage: print onto a postcard.

We happen to use Snapfish, but use whatever service you like best. We were really pleased with the final result. Even clearer then we hoped.

Everyone is pretty impressed and it was a nice to write special thank you cards for a special birthday.