Friday, 12 June 2015

Crafting by not a very crafty mum - camera card

Our second Father's Day!

As I've been saying in my other blogs, I'm finding Little E very uncooperative with my crafty stuff. He just doesn't seem interested. I thought all little kids loved colouring and drawing..until Big E told me he hated it as a child. Oh...

I'd never considered Little E might never like this stuff.

It means I've been thinking that these crafts are really for my own amusement and it's time to branch out with things I can do.

Nothing TOO hard of course! I am lazy after all...

I searched on Pinterest for "Father's Day cards" and loads of ideas popped up, but it liked this best...

A camera card! Big E loves photography, so it was perfect.

I started with:

Black card
Black jar lid
Silver pen
Red sticker
Photo of Little and Big E
Cut out of a Canon logo from a magazine

Step 1

Fold the black card in half. Draw out a simple camera outline. I searched for some online and based my on those.

Carefully cut out the outline. Leave the middle attached, so it can stand up.

Step 2

Find a black jar lid. Most in my fridge were. I started with a smaller lid, but it definitely works better with a bigger lid.

I printed my photo out on normal paper, but a proper photo probably works best. I drew around the lid over the part if the photo I wanted and then you have a perfect sized photo to fit in the lid. You don't have to stick it down, because the lid's screw mechanism will hold it in place.

Step 3

Decorate your card. I got our real camera down and copied some of the writing from the front. I added a red sticker and a Canon logo I had cut from a magazine.

The original pin I'd seen had used some nice rhinestones for camera buttons and flash, but I couldn't find any in my local shop.

Step 4

Add a message. I can't resist puns and wrote this one. Others I thought of were: We just click and picture perfect.

Step 5

Stand back and enjoy. I think our camera thinks it's looking in a mirror. :)