Monday, 13 July 2015

Crafting by not a very crafty mum - flower card

Little E is very outdoorsy. His birthday is late September, so a few of the presents we really wanted for his second birthday wouldn't get much use before the weather got too bad.

Relatives to the rescue with early birthday presents!

Early thank you cards then.

I've seen so many things you can do with hand and foot prints. Little E quite likes me drawing around his hand and I'd seen this bunch if flowers idea and came up with this.

I used
Coloured card
Pritt stick
Backing card
Pen to write a message

I don't think it needs explanation of how to make it! I bought the backing card as a last minute thing when I was in my local art shop. That way I didn't need to faff around making a card that stood up, as it can just be propped up.

I didn't realise how big Little E's hands hot got, so they hang over the edge of the card. I quite like the effect, but you may want a bigger piece of card for yours!