My sister was finally tying the knot. Bring on the wedding Pinterest boards!
She had chosen a peacock theme for their day and we kept seeing some lovely feather buttonholes. Every now and then a tutorial on making your own came up.
"Oh, C, you could do that!"
And I decided I could...
And I did!
To be honest, I think I had bitten off more than I could chew, but luckily HobbyCraft had a cheat for me.
I was looking for artificial flowers and thinking about how I could attach a pin when I found these ready made ones:
I then wrapped and glued ribbon around the stem. It matches the bridesmaid's outfit (me!) and the bride's shoes.
I then glued a peacock feather to the back. My mother-in-law got me some fab ones from a special shop outfitters, but you can buy bags of them cheaply online.
I wasn't certain how well they would do if it was wet, wild and windy. I certainly didn't want them to look shabby for my sister and brother-in-law-elect's big day. Both of them reassured me. We just needed them to last for a few photos. For my sister especially, having something handmade for them by family was more important.
But actually...most of them lasted all day. Just a couple weren't perfect, but it was just the ribbon came a bit unstuck at the bottom. They certainly didn't unwind all the way. The peacock feathers stuck fast all day.