Saturday, 11 November 2017

Wrapping paper

This has been a year long project - creating my own wrapping paper.

It started after I heard a show on the radio about how much wrapping paper can't be recycled - too much glue, glitter, plastic... I hadn't realised how much just went straight to landfill.

So, what about good old brown paper and string? Well first I needed the string... So I've been collecting ribbons, string, tissue paper, stickers, etc from gifts we've received and repurposed them. I know plenty still can't be recycled, but I feel at least it's staying in circulation a bit longer.

I also saw lots of ideas of how to decorate your own paper. Little E is still not that into mark making, so this has been something I do myself.

I've enjoyed the "mini art" buzz this has given me. Like a lot of people I think about joining an art class, learning to play an instrument, etc, but I am time poor at the moment and can't seem to squeeze it in. However, quickly splashing some paint or decorating a paper bag takes a couple of minutes, feels "useful" and taps into my creative side. It makes me happy.

As always, lots of inspiration on Pinterest.

This is some of what I've done so far. 

I did find something creative Little E enjoyed - flicking paint in the garden! As my friend said, I tricked him into doing "art" by doing it outside!

Little E's resistance has made me think a lot about being creative. He might not like drawing, but he loves mixing colours. He bought a huge sheet of paper home from nursery that looked like something by Rothko. I read up on Rothko. Little E's flicked paint reminded me of Pollock, so I read up on Pollock. I think I still get stuck with the idea that "art" is sitting quietly and drawing from life, but these painters were about ideas, feelings, using your whole body to express yourself... I will keep trying to help Little E express himself in the way he chooses.

I also now have a huge roll of decorated paper on standby. It's so pretty and I'm hoping to use it for Christmas.

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