Sunday 1 February 2015

Crafting by not a very crafty mum - toddler bean bags

I saw this idea ages ago and only just got to try it out.

Little E loves throwing things. It's a bit of a problem when it happens to be a wooden block aimed at my face. He really doesn't know it will hurt! At least...I like to assume he doesn't.

So, we're always trying to help him learn about how to throw things nicely and turn it into games. A common phrase in our house at the moment is a panicked, "Only at my hands!" We hope he'll learn he is trying to throw it for someone to catch and not to break noses!

We were tidying some laundry away and Little E started throwing a cushion into the laundry basket. He was roaring with laughter, so I finally had the motivation to make him some bean bags.

This was a no-sew project I pinned ages ago. Someone had pointed out that baby socks filled with beans were the perfect size bean bags for a child.

So...I took some socks I had kept in reserve, filled them with dried chickpeas and tied a knot.

Five minutes later, voila!

Little E was suitably entertained!

The bean bags in all their glory!

Good to have these little things in reserve when mum and Big E are tired and need 5 minutes peace!

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