Thursday 19 February 2015

Messy play without the mess! - finger paints in a ziploc bag

Isn't it great when something works out well? I'd see this idea of putting paint in sealable bags, so your child could "paint" without getting messy.

Sounded like such a good idea, but Little E doesn't do much sitting a the moment and there never seemed a good time to try it out. He gets a bit fed up sitting in his chair, even if he has something to play with.

I then saw the idea of sticking it to a window, which I thought he might prefer as he would be standing. I thought we didn't have an appropriate window, until little E squeezed down the side of our armchair to the French doors. Oh yeah! Forgot those were there!

So I got:

A ziploc bag for 80p (thank you Pen to Paper)
Finger paints (given to me by a friend)
A piece of white paper
Tape for the window (brown masking tape was what we had lying around)

I folded the paper inside the bag. Squeezed some blobs of paint onto it, then sealed the bag and stuck it on the window.

Little E was definitely interested. He had a good squidge of the paint. The nice thing was, he could walk away and then come back to it, unlike being stuck in the high chair. 

Clever Aunty L showed him how if you mixed the paints they made different colours. I always love it when other people come to see Little E. They always bring new games and ideas to help me stimulate him.

I left it up until the evening and then took it down. I carefully slid the piece of paper out and left it somwhere safe to dry up. I washed the ziploc bag out. Most of the paint came out, but it won't be as shiny as it once was!

This is now hanging on the fridge :)

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